Day-to-day management services are provided by CAS, Inc:
Cecilia Williford Gray
Woodlake CAS, Inc.
1930 North Salem Street, Ste 101
Apex, NC 27523-8204
P: 919-367-7711 x1504
F: 919-367-7715
The WHOA Board of Directors includes nine residents elected for 3-year terms. The Board meets on the third Tuesday of every month.
You may contact the board at
The Woodlake Home Owners Association board members are:
- Deb Jenkins, Vice President
- Derreck Hoerres, Member
- Donna Wolf, President
- Fabio Beltramini, Treasurer
- Kristin Hart, Member
- Michael Linsenmeyer, Member
- Phillip Moser, Member
- Sean Murph, Secretary
- Taylor Hoggard, Member
- Cecilia Williford Gray, Manager
If you have an item you'd like for the board to address, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Several volunteer committees are part of the WHOA. Meeting dates and frequency vary. If you would like more information, have a question, or would like to join a committee, please investigate further by navigating the menu "Contact" options.